Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How To Lose Weight While Cleaning Your House

By carol stanley                                                                                        

Gather Your Cleaning Supplies

How Can I Lose Weight  

Lose weight while creating a clean house. You can exercise very effectively while you are busy working hard to have a spotless house. Most of us do not look forward to cleaning house when there are many other interesting things to do. Save yourself a trip to the gym, and incorporate some fun exercise and dance moves while you are cleaning. Have a clean house and a trim body--now that is a daunting thought. Organize your cleaning supplies and attack the house with vigor. An hour of cleaning is like an hour of most exercise routines if you move fast and do some of these different moves.

Get Organized with Your Cleaning Supplies

Get into some loose and comfy clothing before starting the task. Put on some music to include some of your favorite songs. Gather all the equipment and cleaning solutions you will need, and you are good to go. Don't worry what room you will do first, just whatever hits your fancy at the moment. You can jump around doing a task here and there, or do one room at a time. The house will get clean and you will get your exercise. And you won't have to ask yourself, "how can I lose weight"?

Get Out and Dance Your Heart Out

Start the Dance and clean Routine

Stretch your muscles thoroughly and do several knee bends before tackling the cleaning job.Check a video for some dance moves and try to incorporate some of the moves in your cleaning routine. Make it fun and you will look forward to your next dance and clean routine.

Let the Dusting Begin

With dust rags in both of your hands start dusting in any room of your choice. When dusting a table reach out over the table and rub back and forth vigorously. Bend down to dust the legs of the table. Remember to always bend your knees whenever reaching to protect your back. Follow this procedure on all the wood furniture. Dust corners and tackle all furniture and cabinets that need dusting. When you have finished with this do some jumping jacks and start on the next task at hand.

Have a bright clean bathroom

The Bathrooms--Clean Them Thoroughly

Most of us do not like to do the bathrooms. However with your new dance routine you will find yourself sailing through quickly. Get down on your knees, after doing a few warm-up knee bends. Get your rags with your favorite cleaning solution and vigorously clean the tub or lower part of the shower with both hands, moving to the music. Stand up and clean the shower doors, curtains and sides with your soapy rags. Squeeze out your rags and go over everything with a rag dipped in hot water.

Clean your sinks using the same circular motions. Remember to clean the counter tops to give a thorough cleaning. Clean your toilets and bend over get in the back. Remember to bend your knees.

Clean all the mirrors and chrome with a mixture of white vinegar and water--1 part vinegar to 10 parts of water. Use both of your hands using the same circular motion. Dry everything thoroughly with a microfiber rag.

Get down on your hands and knees and wash all the floors by hand with your vinegar water. You can stand back and admire your clean bathroom. Too bad you cannot admire it for long due to constant usage.

if you are feeling very ambitious clean out the drawers and get rid of old makeup and other cosmetics.

Dust free carpets

Vacuum the Carpet

Vacuuming can be excellent exercise. Just remember to bend your knees and don't hyper-extend. Do a few dance steps to the music and zoom around the house. Tense your arm muscles as you pull back with the vacuum for extra muscle resistance. Make sure to get in the corners. Add a little carpet deodorizer and vacuum once again.

Clean Floors

Mop The Floors and Keep Dancing

Put equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray your floor as you go. Using sweeping motions with the mop and be careful to bend the knees and not to hyper-extend your arms. Dance to the music. Keep rinsing your mop in the sink. After you are finished remember to scrub the sink. You may want to get down on the floor and wipe the corners and baseboards with a paper towel.

Miscellaneous Jobs

Cleaning blinds, windowsills, kitchen countertops, drawers and cupboards require the same technique. Use both hands with a rag in each one and use vigorous strokes. Whenever possible add some extra dance moves and arm exercises. Just keep moving, shaking and cleaning.

Time for a coffee break.

The finale

Pat yourself on the back as you got at least an hour of exercise and to boot--you have a clean house. Time to treat yourself to a coffee break and a little relaxation. Now you know how to clean house and lose weight. You can enjoy this wonderful experience again next week. You may also want to clean the fridge, pantry, drawers and closets. What a perfect house you will have.

1 comment:

  1. Its such a great idea dear. I never thought that I can lose my weight while doing cleaning of my home. Mostly I do cleaning myself but on weekly basis I hire house cleaners so that they can effectively clean my home. Thanks for your great tips dear.
